Monday, December 18, 2017

Tags "Magic Rust and Patina" for Finnabair. Video Tutorial

Привет друзья мои!
Новое вдохновение для вас и новое видео! Рада буду видеть вас на своем канале YouTube. Мой проект для самой крутой команды Finnabair. И в этот раз я решила поиграть с потрясающими пастами. Но пока я их не попробовала, я совсем не думала, что они потрясающие, даже наоборот. Но! Тут стоит только открыть эти баночки и дух захватывает. Это пасты для создания эффекта ржавчины и патины. Они идут по три баночки в наборе. И чтобы сразу посмотреть их в деле, я решила сделать теги и вдоволь насладиться творчеством

Hi dear friends!
New inspiration for you and a new video! I'll be glad to see you on my YouTube channel. My project for the coolest Finnabair team. Today I'd like to remind you of some of the best products from Finnabair - Rust and Patina Effect Pastes. They are very versatile so perhaps you will use them to create some wonderful decorations for Christmas! I'd like to show you my project in which I combined both kinds of Pastes - I know many people love using these two effects of Rust and Patina together.

И чтобы вы смогли рассмотреть ближе все эффекты и вдохновиться, я предлагаю посмотреть видео о создании этих красавцев

In order for you to see the magic of these pastes, I created a step by step video. I hope you will fall in love with these products just like me! Enjoy!

И покажу вам еще немного деталей
More details here:

Прежде всего, мне очень понравилось, что каждая паста имеет разную текстуру! Это позволяет создавать очень интересные слои. Также,эту пасту можно использовать с акриловыми красками или декорировать отдельные элементы, чипборд например. Также, очень круто смешивать их между собой!

I must say that I fell in love with these products the very first time I used them.  Each jar has a different paste texture and it's so much fun to work with! You get three different Pastes in each set so you can combine different colors and textures to suit your preferences and I think it's really awesome and offers endless possibilities! I also really like the volume you can add to your projects with these pastes. I thoroughly enjoyed the process of creating my little tags.

I used fabric as the base for my background - it looks really interesting when covered with different media. I glued the fabric to the base, covered it with Heavy Black Gesso and dried it well. Then I used Graphite Texture Paste with "Honeycomb" and "Bubbles" stencils to create a beautiful texture. I really like these stencils, they are so universal! I love it that when the texture paste dries, it becomes black and shimmering.

I also covered the decorations for the tags with Black Gesso - I used IOD moulds, Mechanicals metal embellishments and a few cut out letters. I created my composition making layers of different materials and going a little bit over the edges of the tag.

To make the textures even more beautiful I like to use stunning Art Stones. It's another super versatile product - they come in 3 sizes so you can mix and match and use them for all kinds of projects. I mix them with Soft Matte Gel as its fine texture doesn't block the stones and firmly holds them in place. Also the gel becomes completely transparent when it dries.

My next step was adding some color and I used the incredibly beautiful colors of Mica Powders. From the Mica Powder Set I chose two colors - Gold and Rust. They shine amazingly on the black background created with gesso - I love this effect!

When all the preparations were done, I could start the most pleasant part - applying the Pastes! One tag has the Patina ones as the main theme, the other one emphasizes the Rust effect, but I also mixed the two sets with each other to make the overall look even more varied and interesting.

Some pastes are thicker, the other are smoother, they are shiny and matte and all this together creates an incredibly beautiful effect.
You can also use each jar separately if you feel like it and work on practically any kind of project. Believe me, you will not remain indifferent once you try playing with these fantastic Pastes!

In the end, I added a bit of White Gesso to the patina tag to highlight the textures. Then I fixed the tags on black cardboard. Now, they decorate my desk

I hope I inspired you to play with this amazing pastes and you are ready to create new masterpieces!

Let your day be filled with new ideas and inspiration.
Be creative and have fun with your art!

With love, Olya

1 comment:

  1. Крутяк!!! Так здорово наблюдать за процессом создания красоты!!!


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